Get Brexit bottlenecks under control


Brexit has caused unrelenting delays coming in and out of UK ports. This, coupled with the crippling effects of Covid, has put Britain at the eye of the storm for supply chain disruption. Lockdown uncertainty compounded the whirlwind of more stringent Brexit border legislation, meanwhile demand for goods has remained high.

project44 data found, shipment delays from China to Felixstowe increased in January to 3.1 days, up from 2.9 in December. As well as this, the amount of time containers spent berthed at the UK’s main port, waiting to be moved on, increased to 6.3 days from 5.1, a European high. There is clearly no let up for supply chains in 2022, as Brexit and Covid continue to trouble global supply chains. 

While nobody can control foreign policy on Covid restrictions, or Brexit legislation, everyone can act now and invest in digital infrastructure to remain resilient to disruptions. The answer is simple, visibility. In the supply chain, one late link will create further delays along the chain, and one raised price can create further increases down the line. Visibility of robust data end-to-end can reduce and remove bottlenecks, slow the domino effect of costs along the chain, and aid collaboration across multi-modal networks.