How to succeed in native advertising


There are many ways to convey to the buyer information about a product or service. The variety of types of advertising is so great that it is sometimes difficult for promotion specialists to choose the most effective direction. Affiliates often face this problem when working with CPA networks.

 The difficulty also lies in the fact that every year it becomes more and more difficult to attract the attention of Internet users with direct advertising. Even the most “working” offer may not bring the desired results if you have chosen the wrong type of advertising to collect leads. That is why affiliates are increasingly choosing native advertising as a promotion tool.

 Native advertising is veiled advertising that is organically integrated into informative content on a third-party resource. It looks more natural and often does not cause such rejection among users as traditional advertising. Native advertising is designed not only to promote the product, but also to benefit the reader or viewer.

 In this type of advertising, it is not customary to use direct calls to make a purchase. Instead, information about the product is mentioned as if in passing, and the information content is directly or indirectly related to the offered product or service.

 Organicity is essential to success in native advertising. Your task is to place content on a paid basis in such a way that it does not seem commercial. This is the secret of the popularity of the native format: the user interacts with the content they like, and the most relevant advertising does not cause rejection due to its unobtrusiveness. You get more clicks and leave a better impression on the buyer, which is also important for further marketing activity. This is a guarantee of high performance, including in working with CPA affiliate programs.

 Another important detail is the imitation of the visual and text style of the site where native advertising is placed. Whether it is a news portal, an influencer’s blog, or a social media themed page, you should stick to the same tone that the selected resource uses. That is why the approach to creating native advertising should be as individualized as possible.

 Truthfulness is another characteristic of successful advertising. Do not try to mislead the reader for a one-time benefit if you care about your own reputation and the image of the advertiser. The native format of advertising involves establishing a trusting relationship with the audience and maximum openness. Because of this, it is preferable to leave small marks on native content, for example, “Affiliate material”.

 Content usefulness, its organicity and truthfulness are not all the criteria for successful native advertising. The choice of the target audience and communication channels, goal setting, content quality, resources for measuring the effectiveness of the campaign are also important. Let us consider each of these factors in more detail.

Define and find your audience

 Members of CPA affiliate programs and affiliates working with CPA networks know that the effectiveness of any advertising campaign directly depends on how carefully and efficiently the audience was chosen to promote offers. Native advertising is no exception, so before launching it, you should draw up a portrait of the buyer.

 There are many criteria by which you can determine the target audience of the advertised product. What matters is the gender and age of buyers, the country and region in which they live, income level, education and employment. In addition to these key criteria, there are others that are more narrowly focused, but no less important. Desires and motivations, lifestyle, tastes and needs, interests and hobbies of the audience – all this directly or indirectly affects where and in what format native advertising should be launched.

 Having received all the necessary information, we can understand where buyers most often spend their time, and what they are interested in. This helps to choose an effective communication channel, determine the main theme of the content, its tone and visual style. In the future, all this serves as the basis for creating influence on the audience.

 Having drawn up a portrait of the buyer, it is necessary to choose the site where the advertisement will be placed. Traffic affiliate marketing for native content often uses news channels, blogs, and popular online magazines. In this case, the level of trust in the content is increased due to the fact that it is broadcast by an authoritative resource or an opinion leader who is in good standing with the audience.

 Native advertising on video services such as YouTube has great potential, because in recent years, audience involvement in video content has been growing rapidly. But if you decide to launch native advertising through a YouTube blogger, you should pay special attention to the organicity and unobtrusiveness of advertising so that users do not squander it as another integration.

 Social media is another great platform for a native campaign. In this case, advertising is placed both in popular communities and on personal pages. At the same time, it is important to consider that the topic of the community or the type of activity of the influencer is related to the product you offer. In addition, you can use affiliate mailing lists to email and instant messengers, directories, thematic sites, and much more to place native advertising.

 Not only the communication channel, but also the format of the content depends on the chosen audience. So, the age, interests, educational level and other characteristics of the buyer will help you understand how best to convey product information to the user. It can be a meaningful long-read article or a short funny video, an interesting podcast or a useful guide, an entertaining online test, or a carefully thought-out special project on a well-known resource.

Set goals for your campaigns

 Clear and realistic goals are essential to the success of any advertising campaign, including native ones. This helps not only to measure the effectiveness of advertising after the end of the campaign, but also to structure all ongoing work, and, if necessary, adjust it to achieve maximum conversion rates.

 Each campaign is individual, so, respectively, the goals should be determined based on the characteristics of the audience, promotion channel and content format. Setting goals correctly and competently can actually be a difficult task. Therefore, before determining the desired result, it is worth asking for help from experienced professionals: managers, marketers, sales representatives. In this matter, members of CPA affiliate programs have an advantage, since this format provides for the opportunity to communicate with experts who can be contacted for advice.

 If you work with a CPA network, your goals largely depend on the target action that the advertiser needs. For example, a goal might be an exact or estimated number of sales, leads, installs, or form submissions. At the same time, it is worth remembering that it is quite normal and natural to change goals and objectives for specific campaigns over time, because marketing activity allows you to track results in real time and adjust the workflow based on the data received.

 To understand whether you have achieved your desired goal, it is worth adding product links to native ads. This, in particular, will help track the number of clicks, click-through instances and leads received. If you do not use a link in the material, the goals of the campaign may be related to the involvement of the audience. In this case, the reach, the number of page views, likes or comments will be important. When launching a campaign on a third-party resource, you must agree with the editors in advance on the provision of analytics and indicators that interest you the most.

 It is also important to monitor the ranking results, because the mention of the advertised product on the pages of other resources pushes the brand up in the search results, which has a positive effect on SEO. Thus, knowing and understanding the goals of an advertising campaign, you will be able to accurately assess its effectiveness.


 Measuring your own resources is an important step in building a successful native ad campaign strategy. But in order to correctly calculate them, you need to have detailed information about the costs of the campaign and its results.

 For this, both quantitative and qualitative metrics can be used. Quantitative metrics allow you to understand how willingly the audience interacts with the content. The most commonly used quantitative metrics are ad and creative click rates, page views, and click-through rates (CTR).

 If we talk about qualitative metrics, in this case, how deeply the user is involved in the content plays a bigger role. This can be understood by the time during which the user is on the page, or the number of pre-scrolls (whether the buyer read the material to the end). And, of course, do not forget about budget-related metrics: ad spend and revenue are the basis for measuring campaign resources.

 Having received data on the results of running native ads and calculating resources, you can more accurately determine the effectiveness of advertising. There are several more important metrics for this: for example, cost per 1000 impressions, cost per click, and others.

 Creating interesting content

 The quality of content in native advertising can play a decisive role. Therefore, you should make sure that it is as useful and informative as possible for the target audience. By seamlessly integrating product information into third-party content, you can attract many new visitors to your page.

 Moreover, when choosing reputable and respected sites for placement, you also increase your own image and reputation in the eyes of the consumer. An increase in traffic, an increase in the level of loyalty and trust in the brand, and an expansion of the target audience are just a few of the benefits that attractive content can provide, the style of which matches the communication channel.

 A variety of native advertising formats allows you to use different types of content: educational video lectures, instructions, entertaining videos, informative infographics, blog articles about personal experience of using the product. As you can see, you can choose the appropriate content format for any audience and thus achieve the desired result.

 In the case of placing native advertising on a third-party resource, the content must also take into account the editorial policy of the site, the tone of publications, the corporate identity of the publication, and other important details. Some resources have a number of restrictions, so you should familiarize yourself with them in advance so that your content is not created in vain.

 Quality content takes a lot of time and effort. But the result of using it is worth it, because native advertising, unlike direct advertising, is much more likely to attract the user’s attention to the offer, evoke positive emotions and motivate the audience to make further purchases.


 In order to succeed in working with a CPA network, it is worth trying all methods of website promotion. Native advertising opens up many opportunities for you that will lead to higher rankings, conversions and, of course, profits.

 This is also evidenced by statistics: by the end of 2020, 80% of all Internet traffic came from native video ads. In addition, according to surveys, 70% of buyers prefer to find out information about products through native advertising, rather than traditional. As a result, it is expected that in the coming years, about 25% of the market will use predominantly native marketing.

 Thus, native advertising campaigns once again prove that they have a number of advantages: they do not cause rejection in the reader, increase user engagement and brand trust, have a lasting effect, and sometimes even become viral, which has a positive effect on increasing coverage at no additional cost.