AUTONOMY Paris 2022: PTV Group to present ground-breaking solutions for urban logistics


PTV Group, the world market leader for mobility and transport software will be present at AUTONOMY Paris, which takes place at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles between March 16-17, 2022. The trade show brings together corporates, startups, cities, and NGOs to connect and collaborate on the future of urban mobility. PTV Group will be presenting its world-leading solutions to optimize urban logistics processes.

Cities around the world struggle with growing delivery traffic and its effects, such as increasing congestion and emissions. PTV Group, with its unique expertise in both intelligent traffic management and logistics optimization, helps cities and logistics providers to tackle these challenges. At stand F26 (pavilion 6), PTV experts will present how smart use of data and software enables more efficient urban logistics processes and helps to save kilometers, and thus emissions.

One recent example is the French public-private project E.VO.L.U.E (Voluntary engagement for efficient urban logistics). PTV Group is the main technical partner in terms of data and optimization with the aim to create a tool for modeling the flow of goods to organize urban logistics efficiently. The project is financed by Region Ile-de-France, and led by France Supply Chain, Le Club Demeter and the French Commerce Institute.

Roundtable “Urban Logistics” 

Project E.VO.L.U.E will be presented at AUTONOMY Paris, during a roundtable discussion on 17 March, at 11:10 a.m. in Berlin stage space. Didier Scellier, General Director of PTV France will discuss how urban logistics processes can be better understood, managed, and optimized with the help of data. The roundtable will be held in French: « La logistique urbaine : comprendre, optimiser, piloter, innover ; la donnée au cœur des enjeux ». Other speakers will be Nathalie Granes, Head of Service at Regional Council Ile de France, Xavi-er Hua, General Director of the Institute of Commerce and Fabien Esnoult, President and Founder of Sprint Project. More information: