B&M makes strategic move with Wilko stores deal


Wilko has over 400 stores so possibly saving 51 will be a highly strategic decision, as B&M will most likely select those with the best locations. Many of the high street locations they have are not fit for trading, with declining footfall and low sales. Some out of town locations on thriving industrial estates will be at the top of the list to reinvigorate and save costs.

B&M will need to quickly accelerate conversations with key suppliers who stopped stocking Wilko, so a focus on the supply chain will be a critical part of the rescue mission for the 51 stores if they proceed with the deal.

There will no doubt be conversations around the equity of the brand but consumers are fairly fickle nowadays when it comes to brands, particularly in this category, so we may see the 51 stores re-branded over time to help boost the awareness and brand of B&M.