Embed New Capabilities At The IGD Supply Chain Summit


In its annual Supply Chain Summit on 17th June, IGD will gather leaders from across the grocery retail industry to share the latest insight on new opportunities and the critical role the industry will play in delivering commercial growth, as we move into a post-COVID world.

The one-day interactive online event will give delegates the opportunity to hear from and engage with more than 40 international speakers, including Luke Jensen, CEO, Ocado Solutions; David Sheldon, Head of Global Supply Chain Development at Nestle; Julie Faulkner, European Customer Services Manager, Kellogg Company; Mike Pooley, Group CEO, IFCO Systems; Dave Voss, European ecomm Supply Chain Business Partner, PepsiCo; Guy Cuthbert, CEO and CTO, Atheon Analytics

Chris Irish, Head of Supply Chain at IGD, comments: “Faced with the adversity of the past year, the supply chain has really come to the forefront to demonstrate the essential role it plays in creating a sustainable and profitable business model. Now is the time to really build on these foundations and capitalise on new and evolving opportunities.

“The IGD Supply Chain Summit is for supply chain people, delivered by supply chain people and is a unique opportunity for partners and peers to learn from each other and gain actionable insight, to unlock the potential across the channel.”

Content will include the views from the top, where delegates will hear first-hand accounts of business success, how to maximise the expansion of ecommerce, the benefits of digital transformation and how to address the growing significance of sustainability.

For the full programme and registration details, visit: https://www.igd.com/events/supply-chain-summit