Jungheinrich virtual reality training provides immersive learning experience for engineers


Intralogistics expert Jungheinrich is using virtual reality (VR) to provide initial and further training for its after-sales service engineers across the whole of Europe.

As part of the award-winning VR training, engineers are placed in a virtual warehouse environment where they can gain in-depth experience of selected Jungheinrich forklift trucks in a variety of working situations. This enables trainees to practise a wide range of scenarios in a safe space without the risk of property damage or personal injury. Jungheinrich has succeeded in boosting the flexibility of the training it provides while also making considerable savings in terms of time and travel expenditure.

Thomas Diwan, head of the Jungheinrich Training Centre, explains: “Those taking part in the training completely forget that they are in a virtual environment. Everything seems perfectly real. Experience has shown that actions learned as part of the VR training are performed much better in real applications later on and error rates are vastly reduced. Jungheinrich is therefore planning significant expansion of its VR training.”

The VR training concept, developed by Jungheinrich employees, involves trainees wearing specialised glasses to view a virtual warehouse environment. The various training units enable them to view selected forklift trucks from all sides, operate functions, take a look inside and make repairs with the appropriate tools. The entire fleet of Jungheinrich forklift trucks can be represented as an actual-size 3D model where every component can be individually disassembled. It is also possible to go through logistical functions and processes in close-to-real conditions. Virtual reality therefore makes it possible to learn from your mistakes with no risk involved.

Steve Shakespeare, Business Director, Jungheinrich UK, adds: “In today’s tightly integrated, 24×7 intralogistics marketplace, the performance of every piece of equipment is under increasing scrutiny. Driven by the end consumer’s growing expectations, the cost of downtime or operational inefficiency continues to rise – and the role of the connected customer service engineer has never been more important. 

“At Jungheinrich, we’re therefore committed to providing our engineers with the highest quality support, tools and training required for an ever faster, more efficient response. Technology has a vital role to play here, facilitating a joined-up approach to information – via services such as VR training and Call4Service app – that will move the industry forward and add real value for our customers.” 

Jungheinrich virtual reality training won gold in the “Customer Project” category of the Immersive Learning Award 2018. The jury found that the use of VR in the Jungheinrich Training Centre clearly demonstrates how new technologies can bring quick and effective success in a learning environment.