Oakland International Appoints OakRA Development Manager


Oakland International has appointed Adam Turner as OakRA Development Manager, to support their unique reusable packaging solution.

Joining Oakland as a line operative in 2019 before early promotion to line leader and then supervisor, Adam brings with him an enquiring mind with a rounded skill base, a comprehensive understanding of the direct-to-consumer (D2C) market as well as a flexible approach to the role which encompasses product development, scientific testing, researching and IT development amongst its many elements.

Said Adam: “I feel excited to be involved in such an important business venture within Oakland, helping to develop OakRA as the environmentally sustainable food packaging solution for the industry.

“Going forward my focus will be on continuing to expand my sector knowledge whilst helping to develop the full OakRA concept from the product through to the operational processes and turnaround systems. I am thankful to Oakland for this opportunity at such an early stage in my career.”

Invented out of the necessity to reduce waste packaging, OakRA provides a fully reusable alternative to traditional cardboard and is set to disrupt traditional transit processes and lead the way in hardwearing reusable packaging development.

Congratulating Adam on his appointment, Oakland International Group Innovation Officer, Lindsay Winser, said: “I am delighted to have Adam on board, his passion and commitment to the project are evident and he is a great asset to OakRA, our ground-breaking sustainable packaging solution.”