Peter Hahn Relies on inconsoWMS and inconsoSDS for Warehouse and Shipping Processing


At the Winterbach headquarters the fashion retailer Peter Hahn, who specializes in the high-end quality and price segments, has initiated the sustainable modernization of its logistics IT. In cooperation with the logistics software specialist inconso, the implementation of the market-leading warehouse management system inconsoWMS in conjunction with the shipping and dispatch system inconsoSDS was successfully completed at the beginning of June. Thanks to the retrofit measures, the logistics system can now handle an order volume of up to 30,000 packages per day, creating the logistic prerequisites for further company growth.

The warehouse management system and shipping and dispatch system went live via a big bang – the technological leap was thus made during ongoing operation. In preparation for this, the sorter and conveyor technology were connected and inconsoWMS was given control of them. The warehouse management system centrally bundles a multitude of intralogistic processes, which range from multi-stage picking to demand-oriented replenishment control through to automatic completeness checks of packages in the goods receiving and goods issue areas. This also includes the goods control of hanging and flat packed goods, which are transferred to the packing area with the aid of a bag sorter. A highlight in this area is the print-on-demand process that is used for process-integrated label printing. In addition, all areas have been equipped with ergonomic workstations and graphical dashboards.

“By using inconso’s software, we have achieved a high level of automation in logistics,” explains Gerhard Krauth, Logistics Business Unit Manager at Peter Hahn. “At the same time, the inconso project team has managed a smooth migration with its technical know-how and profound understanding of the process – a good basis for continuing our collaboration.”

Logistics IT innovations in warehouse management and shipping are part of a multi-phase modernization plan that the fashion retailer will continue with inconso in 2019. From Winterbach, Peter Hahn manages the distribution to a total of 19 fashion stores in Germany and Switzerland as well as the Europe-wide delivery to end customers in France, Great Britain Scandinavia, etc.

About Peter Hahn

For over 50 years, Peter Hahn has been a successful mail-order fashion retailer in the higher price range. In 1964, Peter Hahn GmbH was founded in Winterbach. Peter Hahn filled a market niche with llama wool products, leading to a successful startup. Today, the special mail-order retailer represents an utterly successful and dynamically growing company in ten European countries, offering a variety of high-quality fashion products via catalog, Internet and stationary retail. The company offers a remarkable variety of over 250 brands such as Bogner, Brax, Fadenmeister Berlin, Looxent, Strenesse, Lacoste and many more. With this assortment, the company mainly targets women aged 45 and over. Peter Hahn is a wholly owned subsidiary of TriStyle Mode GmbH.