PTV Vissim to provide research on Connected and Autonomous Vehicles for Jaguar Land Rover


Jaguar Land Rover selected the PTV Vissim multi-modal microsimulation tool for the simulation and testing of Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) concepts.

Jaguar Land Rover is not only looking to use PTV Vissim on CAV concepts, however. With co-simulation forming part of a test bench solution – Jaguar Land Rover engineers can link the driving behaviours from PTV Vissim with that of their vehicle dynamic algorithms, comfort and human interaction design, power train assessments and the ability to replicate real world testing scenarios in a repeatable way.

PTV Vissim is the world’s leading microsimulation tool for the modelling of multi-modal urban or motorway networks and for testing the design and feasibility of transport infrastructure projects. It is also used by researchers, vehicle manufacturers, transport planners, traffic engineers and public authorities to help design future transport systems, including CAVs concepts, and test their impact on road network capacity and operational performance.

PTV are working with partners to develop interfaces for co-simulation with ADAS, Sensor solutions, driver dynamics, powertrain testing and human behaviours.