Infor, a global leader in business cloud software specialized by industry, today announced that Riedel, Dutch leader in long-life and cooled fruit juices and fruit drinks has chosen and implemented the user-friendly, Infor M3 enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to help provide insight into its supply chain, simplify maintenance and management and save costs.
Until the end of 2017, Riedel — producer of Appelsientje, CoolBest, DubbelFrisss, DubbelDrank, Taksi en Extran — had been part of FrieslandCampina. The dairy cooperative is one of the top six dairy companies worldwide, and supplies products such as dairy drinks, infant nutrition and cheese and desserts to consumers, and cream and butter products to bakeries and the hospitality industry. A demerger led to the necessity to separate from FrieslandCampina in all areas. With the separation came the need for a new ERP system.
Riedel reviewed solutions from multiple ERP vendors, including SAP, which they had used while they were part of FrieslandCampina, before selecting Infor M3 for its ability to provide a comprehensive, standardized and yet industry-specific solution. The Dutch services leader, Infor Alfa-Beta, which has been a part of Infor since 2018, executed the implementation.
Jan Paul Koorn, responsible for ICT at Riedel BV, said: “The functional richness and capabilities of Infor M3 were the deciding factors. The Infor M3 solution is well suited to the needs of food & beverage companies, and provides many standards that are relevant for us. It improves the traceability of different products and material flows, takes into account shelf-life dates and provides us with extensive, valuable and up-to-date insights for the chain. On the user side, we can profit from a more modern and intuitive user interface. Without too much training, people can work with the system, something that was unimaginable with its predecessor.”
He continued: “Next to the functional richness of the Infor solution, our feeling about Infor Alfa-Beta was very convincing. In addition to their indispensable knowledge and experience with similar projects and companies in our industry, they committed to meeting our tight deadline. And we are very pleased, and proud, that – thanks to extensive knowledge and the inspiring drive from both Infor Alfa-Beta and our team – we managed to successfully complete the implementation within six months.”
“Companies in the food & beverage industry, such as Riedel, want simplicity,” said Frank Resink, SVP EMEA Services at Infor. “To meet legal requirements, the wishes of consumers and those of internal employees, as well as the growth ambitions by the board, they need a standard solution with rich functionalities that are tailored to their specific needs. With Infor M3’s superior track-and-trace capabilities, Riedel can ensure that it meets all requirements, for example, with regard to food safety, while delivering quality products.”