sennder & Nestlé partner to decarbonize road logistics through advanced electric transport solutions


In a significant step towards achieving its 2050 net zero emissions goal, Nestlé has partnered with Europe’s leading digital road freight forwarder, sennder, to decarbonize its logistics network. Over the past three years, this collaboration has successfully reduced over 2,000 tonnes of CO2e by completing more than 3,000 green loads using HVO100, and electric trucks.

This partnership has played a relevant role in Nestlé’s plan to decarbonize its logistics network, which includes maximizing transport efficiency, transitioning to advanced transport solutions, and adopting renewable energy sources. Through investing in innovative infrastructure and operations, Nestlé is committed to maintaining momentum towards its sustainability targets.

A significant milestone in the partnership with sennder has been the introduction of electric trucks. In just four months, sennder has delivered over 100 orders and run over 10,000 kilometers with electric trucks for Nestlé’s THOMY product line in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, reducing CO2e emissions by approximately 55 tonnes annually on a single lane.

Graham Major-Ex, Senior Director of Green Business & eMobility of sennder, says: “Nestlé and sennder have been working together since 2021 to implement the two most scalable green solutions in road freight. One is HVO, which is a renewable diesel that reduces carbon emissions by up to 90 percent. The second are electric trucks, which run with zero tailpipe emissions and significantly reduce carbon emissions on every single transport. The road freight industry is going through a technological transformation. We are here to help our customers adopt electric trucks at scale to enable them to build a future-looking competitive advantage.”

Matthias Fleischer, Vice President Supply Chain at Nestlé Germany, says:
“Achieving our net zero emissions goal by 2050 requires significant logistics optimization. Partnering with sennder to implement electric trucks in Germany has been a critical step in ensuring our transport operations are both efficient and sustainable. While improvements in infrastructure and battery technology are ongoing, electric trucks are increasingly viable for short-distance journeys, such as factory-to-distribution center shuttles and customer deliveries. With partners such as sennder, Nestlé is adopting advanced transport solutions at scale, preparing to electrify long-distance transport in the future.”

Together, sennder and Nestlé have achieved cost-effective electric vehicle operations through a combination of innovative strategies. By leveraging sennder’s extensive network, the partners have optimized truck and driver utilization through load consolidation, ensuring greater efficiency across routes. The strategically located overnight depot charging stations, near Nestlé facilities, further reduced energy costs while minimizing downtime. In addition, loading and unloading schedules were carefully aligned with driver hours and EV charging times, maximizing both productivity and cost-efficiency.

To further reduce emissions, Nestlé is investing in solar-powered warehouses and charging stations equipped with photovoltaic systems and battery storage, ensuring energy efficiency and minimal environmental impact. This collaboration demonstrates a scalable and sustainable solution for advancing electric road freight operations.

A key enabler of this partnership’s success is sennder’s joint venture with Scania, Juna, which provides carriers with electric trucks through a flexible pay-per-use model. The electric truck operating for Nestlé is leased by Schober Logistics via Juna, demonstrating the model’s scalability and adaptability. By removing upfront costs and guaranteeing capacity utilization through sennder’s platform, Juna simplifies the transition to electric transport for carriers while ensuring commercial viability. This creates new opportunities to deliver more sustainable transport solutions for sennder’s customers, including Nestlé.

Nestlé and sennder’s partnership exemplifies how the two companies leverage advanced green technologies, data-driven solutions, and collaborative approaches, to drive the technological transformation of road logistics.

A case study video on this partnership can be found here.