This year’s Stress Awareness Day has never been so relevant, especially given our increasingly hybrid landscape. While some individuals have embraced the flexibility that comes with this, many are finding it increasingly difficult to switch off and restrict working hours. This can lead to feelings of overload and burnout. In fact, new research has revealed that at least 70% of knowledge workers are suffering from stress at work.
Feeling stressed at work can have a huge impact on the mental health of an individual and can quickly become a collective issue, with burnout having a drastic impact on overall productivity and talent retention.
With the number of full-time, office-based employees continuing to decline, it’s critical that organisations are setting out detailed support strategies to help staff adjust to remote working. At the heart of this will be making mental health a priority through promoting the importance of finding a new normal work-life balance and ensuring that employees are fully aware of the resources available to them. Modern technologies – such as collaborative work management tools – can also help by enabling employees to manage work and time on a daily basis, limiting overtime whilst maintaining transparency and productivity. Research suggests that 94% of workers feel that a single source of truth would reduce their stress levels at work.