The Most Important Aspects of Supply Chain Label Design


Accurate, up-to-date supply chain labels keep goods moving smoothly from one location to another, especially in the current digitally driven age. Barcode labels, radio frequency identification tags and other markers of a shipment’s provenance are necessary parts of logistics today.

When companies use high-quality centralized labeling systems, they gain easy access to accurate granular data about the goods within their supply chains. This level of detail helps with recalls and improves everyday operations. Without such a system behind the scenes, however, many elements of the process can go wrong, from outdated data causing confusion to inefficient, siloed processes slowing production.

The following are the three most important parts of creating labels for the supply chain – and the most compelling arguments for getting labeling up to date.

1. Have a Single Source of Data Truth

Where do companies store their data and how do they make sure the most recent, accurate version of information makes it onto supply chain labels? Leaders can answer these pressing questions by using a centralized labeling system that draws its data directly from a repository such as an enterprise resource planning system. By not creating a second copy of data, this approach cuts down on potential delays, confusion and inaccuracy.

2. Stay in Compliance with Regulations

IDC’s review of the Enterprise Labeling market explained that good strategies take legal compliance into account from the start. Today’s organizations often operate around the world, dealing with dozens of regional and international laws. This means they must stay up to date with each of these regulations to avoid fines and the potential for costly recalls. A strong, centralized Enterprise Labeling system allows users to make instant updates to label styles to stay in compliance.

3. Keep the Supply Chain Fast and Efficient

Accuracy and compliance are essential features of Enterprise Labeling today, but they cannot come at the expense of efficiency and the pace of production. VDC’s research into Enterprise Labeling, performed in conjunction with Loftware, revealed that companies want to ensure their centralized labeling solutions keep their supply chains productive and profitable. When it’s quick and easy to update label designs, production lines don’t have to stop. Responding quickly to a newly placed order requires an accurate and efficient approach to labeling.

When organizations pick a new labeling solution, they should envision they kind of ideal supply chain they want to have, intentionally selecting features that will get them the results they need. Today, that will often include data accuracy, legal compliance and overall production efficiency.

For more on the benefits of Enterprise labeling, download our Enterprise Labeling for Dummies eBook today!
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