5 Benefits of Using Workflow Automation & How Forms Can Help


There are many businesses where workflow automation is simply not possible. However, thanks to remote working, better Internet technology, and better workplace systems integration, we are seeing more and more workflow automation in businesses that were traditionally human-run, human monitored and human powered.

Here are five benefits to using workflow automation and how web forms may help.

1 – Auto-Forwarding and Processing Completed Works Along a Work Chain

When somebody completes something, they click the “Complete” button, their work is processed and passed on to the next person. No interpersonal communication needs to exist, one person finishes their part and the work moves to the next person in line. It simplifies things to a great extent and helps reduce human error and human-caused delays.

How Forms Can Help

They can help in many ways, from submissions auto-generating emails to the next person in the work chain, to functioning as the starting point of a work chain. External forces may start the work chain, like customers making purchases through forms.

2 – Setting Work Chain Rules, Checks and Balances

The chain is programmed. It is the essence of automation. If somebody forgets a piece of work, or fails to complete something, then their part of the work process is on hold until everything is done and can be passed on to the next person or processed. Setting rules ensures a certain quality of work, and the various checks may be carried out by people or by machines.

How Forms Can Help

They can help in many ways, from allowing people to subvert the rules when needed, to offering up advice and amendment requests to those in the work chain. Dynamic forms may ensure that the correct information reaches the correct people.

3 – Cost Savings in Terms of Recovered and Removed Down Time

Automation is supposed to reduce costs. Many people view it as the ultimate time saving tool. A good automated work chain will ensure that people can work as much as they want. It can queue up work for individuals, while also balancing the work so that each person is productive without being overworked.

It also does wonders for organizational purposes, such as scheduling and managing tasks. Radiology offices often go to www.abbadox.com to set up a system that takes care of patient scheduling, as well as sending out reminders and managing the flow of appointments. With all of this taken care of by a workflow automation system, employees can focus on more important tasks without worrying about coordinating schedules or making sure patients show up for their appointments.

How Forms Can Help

Rather than having customers and staff communicate with emails and phone messages, people can communicate through the web forms. Being able to select different departments and issues, will allow the users to direct where the messages go and helps to keep communications as simple and direct as possible. 

4 – Improved Accountability For Moderators and Those in the Work Chain

Being able to see who did what may seem like something detrimental to the employee. It feels a little like “Big Brother.” Yet, the other side of that argument is that people are more accountable. This means it is more difficult to be blamed for something that wasn’t’ your fault. It also makes it easier to see who is really to blame and who need to fix the mess.

How Forms Can Help

An automated system should allow for careful accountability, and web forms may be used to help moderate and/or enforce rules. It saves the time and effort it would have taken for a moderator to converse with somebody on the automation chain.

5 – Streamlining The Work Process

When you automate, when you have a laid out process that is repeatedly followed, it is easy to see where time is being wasted. It is easier to see where the fat needs to be cut. You see steps that you can eliminate and you can easily identify bottlenecks in the workflow.

How Forms Can Help

Testing your solutions is always necessary, and that is often where web forms can help. Everything from filling out bug reports to documenting the results, web forms allow individuals to contribute to the overall success of the process.