After a promising year it’s no surprise that easyJet has no particular interest in Flybe at the moment


Following the announcement that struggling UK airline Flybe is up for sale, Lev Lesokhin, EVP, Strategy & Analytics at CAST, made the following  further comment.

“After a promising year it’s no surprise that easyJet has no particular interest in Flybe at the moment, especially now larger than life Richard Branson has shown interest.

IT systems come with unknown issues and bring additional costs, easyJet need to understand the software in order to work out the pros and cons, as well as the value of the software before hinting an M&A with Flybe.”

“Many companies, particularly in the aviation sector, have fallen foul following M&A due to not factoring in errors before acquisition. With essential systems such as bookings and departures at play, airlines can’t afford issues to arise.

Highlighting why Software Intelligence is crucial to understanding these underlying issues in advance.”