Automating Emissions Management


Climate change and automation are two huge subjects. While Innovators are searching for more ways to use automation, the impacts of unchecked environmental damage can cause immense disruption. Could automating emissions management be the key to this growing climate issue? 

U.S. companies are getting ready for updated legal requirements from the SEC around understanding and disclosing their climate impact beyond what is directly under their control – including scope 3 emissions connected to product and service use, transport and more. The transportation industry is a major contributor to scope 3 emissions, as it is responsible for large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels. As the transportation sector continues to grow, so too do the associated scope 3 emissions. 

Organizations can reduce their scope 3 emissions from transportation activities by switching to more efficient transportation methods, such as rail and sea, or by using alternative fuels, such as electricity and biodiesel. However, organizations will have to work with suppliers to ensure that their products and services are delivered in a way that minimizes their carbon footprint.

Businesses that want to make sure their carbon footprint is accurately tracked and monitored consistently should seek out the expertise of a reliable partner, such as Trax. This global leader in Transportation Spend Management (TSM) solutions helps enterprises manage freight costs, while also providing detailed data on carbon emissions using its Carbon Emissions Manager. The solution provides accurate, detailed carbon emissions data for all shipments across all modes and in all geographies. Business leaders are able to set it and forget it, essentially – with Trax measuring all nodes within the supply chain.

You can’t improve something you don’t measure, and you can’t measure it very effectively if you don’t have a baseline for the emissions you want to reduce,” said Josh Bouk, president, Trax. “The transportation industry is the largest source for U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, reaching nearly 30%, so accurately tracking every shipment, every last mile delivery – everything – is key.”

Trax empowers enterprise shippers to make smart decisions within the supply chain, providing reliable data from its cutting-edge software. Its Carbon Emissions Manager utilizes detailed analytics generated by auditing $22B in annual transportation spend invoices – ensuring accuracy throughout all emissions information.