Labeling has always been mission critical. After all, without labeling goods don’t move. But the complexity of today’s supply chain environment – multi-node, intricate, global – puts extra pressure on labeling to perform. From component suppliers through finished goods manufacturers, then on through multiple distribution layers until the end customer is finally reached, your supply chain likely covers a lot of ground and crosses many borders. As each border is crossed, there are new regulations that must be complied with.
The government regulations that organizations must contend with are continuously evolving, as are the regulations that are specific to an industry. Labeling is integral to the supply chain at all levels and is tightly intertwined with all these regulations. Factor in the labeling requirements that are set by suppliers/customers along the chain to meet their particular needs; increasingly intense competition that puts a premium on rapidly responding to those needs; and the digital transformation of businesses in all sectors, and it’s easy to see how labeling mirrors and bears the brunt of the complexity of the overall supply chain.
Today’s supply chain challenges are fierce. The right labeling solution stands up to these challenges and delivers demonstrable economic value. Organizations that deploy enterprise labeling are able to achieve ROI by reducing excessive label management efforts, eliminating error-prone manual labeling processes, minimizing their relabeling efforts, and avoiding costly compliance-related fines and customer penalties.
Still ignoring labeling from the enterprise perspective? You’re wasting money. Download our new paper – Making the Case for Enterprise Labeling to learn more.