Renovotec introduces ‘try before you buy’ scheme for latest ProGlove wearable barcode scanners


Renovotec, the UK’s leading independent rugged hardware, software and consulting services provider is introducing a ‘try before you buy’ scheme for the ProGlove family of wearable barcode scanners, which are new to the UK. Under the scheme manufacturing and logistics users can trial a ProGlove MARK wearable scanner for three months before buying, renting or returning it. “ProGlove uses new, innovative technology to increase productivity and we encourage users to try it for themselves” says Renovotec managing director Richard Gilliard.

Worn on the back of the hand, hands-free ProGlove scanners are matchbox size – the world’s smallest and lightest say ProGlove, saving workers a weight lift of up to 1.5 metric tons per shift and worker. ProGlove devices can cut scanning time by up to four seconds and reduce picking errors by up to 33% because of ProGlove’s worker feedback. A combined optic, acoustic and haptic alert tells the worker immediately whether they have picked the right item, ensuring process reliability.

Internationally, ProGlove users already include Audi, BMW, Bosch and Lufthansa Technik.