Retailers don’t have to be a recipe for disaster amid soaring customer service complaints


The current climate is adding fuel to the fire across the board. While in January customer satisfaction was up 1.6 points compared to the year before, we’re now seeing complaints hit their highest level on record. These results, combined with declining sales and low consumer confidence are teaching us one thing during times of uncertainty: putting customer service on the backburner is a recipe for disaster.

Investment in customer service is often the first thing to go when prices start to spiral as businesses look to cut costs. But here lies the danger. Without great customer experiences, there is potential for missed revenue, strained customer relationships and a lack of ability to respond to customers’ needs before it’s too late.

Customers are understandably anxious about spiralling costs and a potential recession, but they need more reassurance and support than ever. Businesses need to be built on trust and support more than anything right now. Those that do this well and attend to customers as quickly and effectively as possible will be the ones who come out of this crisis stronger.