Art collecting is an industry with a tried and true history, often treated as an investment art collecting is an economy in itself.
The buying, selling, and collecting of art are historically treated as an investment and this artwork ranges anywhere from sculptures, to paintings. But with modern-day advances in technology and an ever-changing world market, the art world has changed and evolved as well.
With the globalized marketplace, we now see growing and maturing nowadays, a different type of art is taking over and being treated the same as traditional art collecting and dealing, and that form is crypto art.
But what exactly is crypto art, and how can you sell it?
Crypto art is created and traded digitally, rather than having physical paintings or sculptures, the artwork is changing towards digital mediums. While crypto art is treated like traditional artwork, bought, sold, and collected in the same manner, it is a fully digital form of artwork, created by digital artists rather than physical artists. From photography to videos, crypto art can take many forms.
Originally, there was no way to guarantee your artwork was not copied or improperly sold due to the freedom of sharing that and pirating that comes with digital artwork, however, there are no specialized ways in which digital artists can protect their work, and a flourishing market of digital artwork is now readily available and protected.
Are you an artist who works in traditional forms, and are struggling to sell your artwork in its physical form? Now might be the time to transition to selling crypto art, or at least adding it to your repertoire! Don’t fall behind while digital artists are cashing in on the current demand for crypto art. If you are wondering why crypto art is the new thing, or have been opposed to this art form in the past, there are some great reasons for you to at least give it a try and see how it goes.
Here are 6 good reasons to start creating and selling crypto art.
1. The Market is Really Hot Right Now
Crypto art has exploded recently, with certain videos, memes, and photos being sold for millions of dollars. As with any aspect of the market, it revolves around supply and demand. Currently, the demand for crypto art is high, because it is the new fad in art collecting, and therefore it is the perfect time to jump on the bandwagon and try to optimize your earnings while riding this wave.
Some makers and owners of crypto art are making a killing selling their pieces, with certain items being sold for even more than collectible and tangible physical art pieces.
2. You Can Sell Your Art as NFTs
NFT Stands for “Non-Fungible Token” which means that it cannot be reproduced and is one of a kind. While copies can be made of it, there is only one original, and that is how crypto artists sell their artwork. A fungible item is something that is mass-produced and the copy is the same as the original.
An example of a Non-Fungible token is something like the Mona Lisa. While there are copies in circulation, there is only one original, and that original is the item with the highest value. You can learn to create and sell NFTs on jungle and other forms specifically designed for this purpose. In selling your artwork online as NFTs, you can enter this new art world, make a name for yourself, and ensure your original piece is sold for the value it contains and cannot be directly copied. Non-artists and entrepreneurs anywhere can even use an AI NFT art generator to create their own NFT collections. Selling crypto arts as NFTs is the new manner to sell digital art via a protected site, and it is worth trying.
3. Learning a New Skill
While you may be a skilled painter or sculptor, learning to create digital artwork can open a whole new world of art trading to you, and it is worth a try. Just as print media has changed to an overwhelming digital forum, so too, is the art world changing. To keep yourself fresh as an artist, it is worth it to enter into this new world, if only to understand the different mediums through which art is created and produced. Experimenting with crypto art can give you a new vantage point on the art world, and make you a better and more rounded artist.
4. Building your Brand
Making a name for yourself as an artist can be difficult, especially in a small niche market. Diversifying your name, and creating different works of art can get your name publicized, leading you to more clients and business. While selling crypto art is not a guaranteed way of making you the next Van Gough, it can go a long way in getting your brand out there and opening the art world up to you in a way it was not open before.
5. Becoming Part of the Digital Art Community
There are many online communities, and they tend to be a great support system, especially in the isolated world we are facing now with COVID. Becoming part of this art community can give you a purpose and help you to make new acquaintances within this tight community. Having a hobby can reduce your stress and feelings of isolation during this troubling global pandemic.
6. You can Become an Art Trader
While you may greatly love art, sometimes to be an art collector and trader in the physical world may not be possible. Traveling, attending auctions, and having millions of dollars to spend may not be feasible in your current position. You can become a digital art trader and dealer directly from your home, allowing you to enter the art world that may have previously been difficult for you.
No matter what your art interests are, be they as an artist, art dealer, or art collector, beginning to sell crypto art can give you a foot in the door of a world you never knew existed. The digital art world is currently exploding onto the world stage, and it can be of great benefit to artists and collectors alike. There are many reasons to sell crypto art, and the suggestions above are only the tip of the iceberg. This is an exciting market to explore, and you won’t be sorry when you take that plunge and make your first crypto art sale!