For the past two years, the global economy has been experiencing a massive supply chain crisis. The international business community’s logistical ability to move goods from one place to another has broken down. No longer can merchants, consumers, and governments expect timely delivery of products.
The current sad situation highlights the importance of getting accurate information about what supply chains are, how they operate, and what makes them occasionally break down. Entrepreneurs and everyday retail level customers in the IT (information technology) niche should have access to unvarnished truths about factors that underlie the worldwide logistics infrastructure. Debunking the most common myths and falsehoods in this area can serve several positive purposes.
With the intersection of supply chain business and IT, what are the pernicious offenders among today’s rampant wave of IT supply chain myths? In addition to misconceptions about the value of carrying minimal inventory, other incorrect assumptions are related to the inner workings of transport fleets, the supposed uniqueness of the IT sector, the value of using managerial instinct to oversee logistical issues, and the career prospects for future supply chain professionals. Here are the pertinent details about the various myths, along with the correct versions of each concept.
JIT (Just-In-Time) Inventory Saves Money & Time
Inventory management is a complex job for the most talented and experienced accounting professionals. However, the recent trend toward saving money by keeping inventory levels at a bare minimum is potentially harmful to IT companies that are part of the supply chain. Of course, it makes sense to avoid storage, insurance, and other carrying costs associated with inventory of any kind.
The problem arises when customer demand fluctuates, even a little, during typical seasonal buying cycles. Tech businesses that store, ship, or manufacture products can fall into the trap of not having enough merchandise for consumers or raw materials for business clients. The JIT strategy was crafted in Japan in the 1970s and only works on a limited basis for select entities.
Transport Fleet Managers are 100% Profit Driven
Profit seeking is behind most commercial activities, but that generalization does not do justice to the complexity of the typical fleet manager’s responsibilities. Most professionals who take on the job soon discover that they must attend to their company’s overall efficiency, asset security, driver safety, and more. One of the ways they achieve those goals on a daily basis is to use NVRs (network video recorders), specialized camera systems that offer full visibility of operations. But finding the right product among a wide array of NVR offerings can pose a challenge for fleet managers.
The first step in sorting through the choices is to review an informative guide that explains how to shop for NVR camera products and components. The latest, high-quality IP cams on the market offer sophisticated features like new generation VMS (video management systems), RA (remote access) to previously recorded footage, in the cloud storage capability, and more. Unless you’re already well-versed in the product line, it’s essential to refer to a comprehensive guide before making a purchase decision.
Supply Chain Jobs are Scarce and Hard to Get
College students and young professionals have somehow fallen for the notion that job opportunities in the supply chain managerial field are few and far between. Nothing could be more off base. Not only are starting salaries for qualified applicants substantially above average, but corporations face a definitive shortage of candidates for the many open positions.
Plus, job seekers who have backgrounds in tech-related subjects have an even better chance of finding work in the challenging career field of supply chain logistics. In fact, college grads with experience and skills in IT can take their pick among industries. Ideal candidates possess not only tech skills but also a general business background, experience as full-time workers or interns, and solid organizational abilities.