The Latest Best Practice Extensions To Extend Your Store’s Features


Over time, eCommerce has grown to be a massive market. Because even large and medium enterprises have begun to use the online possibility to advertise services and products, the eCommerce industry has become highly competitive. Customers increasingly depend on eCommerce retailers for their luxury purchases, with predictions that 95 percent of sales would be completed online by 2040.

During 2017, online shopping generated $2.3 trillion in revenue, which is predicted to treble to $4.5 trillion in 2021. Magento is one of the most widely employed technologies for developing eCommerce websites. It represents roughly 12% among all active internet retailers, with over 250,000 online eCommerce platforms. Magento seems to have a 1.4 percent success rate of all websites that adopt content management software as of April 2020.

 These figures indicate Magento’s worldwide fame. Nevertheless, following the development of a Magento, the issue of what to do next must emerge. You have seen how sales are increasing, but what will you do when the marketplace becomes overloaded? One solution is to update your store’s functionalities to reflect current trends. Magneto offers the latest best practice extensions mentioned in this article that can be used to extend your store’s features. Give this article a read.


Amasty One-Step Checkout Extension

The most crucial phase of the shopping experience is checkout. While adding things to the cart is relatively painless, the user frequently has problems at checkout. One-Step Checkout extension can expedite the entire billing while also providing the consumer with a high level of pleasure.

With only a few taps, the buyer may complete the checkout process. It accepts a variety of payment methods as well as shows the shipping date, along with pickup and delivery remarks. Buyers could also select item selections throughout the checkout process. To integrate and set up this extension, you will need only a few resources.


Extension For Quick Contact

Whether you want buyers to be able to get in touch with you effortlessly, you should install this extension in your Magento store. Users will only have to complete a short form to approach you right away. All store pages can include a Contact Us button. From the backend, you may activate Google Verification on the Quick form, attach Google Maps to the Contact Us page, change form fields to see and respond to inquiries.

The use of Google-captcha will aid in the removal of spammers on your website. You also may edit the forms to get a user-friendly interface and read and respond to queries directly through the admin panel. It will set you back $35.

On a side note, if you’re looking for a job with a minimum level of stress, applying to an eCommerce company can be a good idea.


Extension For Press Release

This extension is a must-try if you want to deliver the most up-to-date news on the Magento store. It’s a functionality add-on that might allow you to deliver the most up-to-date information, contact information for the press, and news about press releases.

It offers a customizable sophisticated grid and supports multi-store setups. Press Release Content may be managed efficiently, and data may be exported to CSV, Excel, or an XML file. Browse by the authorized person, press detail, or tags for the most recently issued press. YouTube’s videos can also be shown. It has meta keyword and caption functionality, as well as sharing plugins. It costs $49 to purchase.


Extension For The Rewards Points

Reward points are one of the most effective strategies to earn your buyers’ loyalty. This could boost customer engagement while simultaneously lowering your company’s marketing expenses.

MagePlaza’s Rewards point extension may help you establish loyal customers, raise conversion rates, gain more buyers, promote brand recognition, maximize customer satisfaction, and improve the retail experience. You may create rules for the reward points. Customers that engage with your website earn points that may be used on future purchases.


Extension For Product Part Finder

This is a Magento add-on that is required for vehicle eCommerce Magento businesses with an extensive product catalog. This add-on may search items based on components for a particular car. You may design an endless number of car components depending on the car type and criteria, which you can then show on the product, category, or home page.

It is an ideal expansion for stores that sell a wide range of items. It will make it easy for buyers to locate things in the store. There is a drag-and-drop button for arranging part finder product filters, as well as the ability to import/export part finder information. The cost of this extension has been determined to be $159.


Extension To Request For Quote

Lastly, this add-on comes in handy whenever you are marketing things that are not fixed-price and therefore need a quote from the buyer. A Request for Quote plugin would include a button to a product page that, when clicked, will bring up a form for buyers to fill out. The buyer will hit a submit button after completing the form. Buyers can request a quote for a specific product.

From the backend, the store operator can swiftly control the extension, examine the attachment, deliver a push notification to the appointed person, establish a customized email template via altering the text box, configure file upload add-on, and enter the Google reCAPTCHA code. The client has requested the date, and the quotation will be shown by the extension. It is worth noting that enabling buyers to haggle at your business might motivate them to buy more things at a lower price.


Last Thoughts

Magento best practice extensions are required to improve your store’s smooth functioning. There might be numerous basic choices in Magento. However, keep in mind that those options are available to all other shop owners as well. As a result, installing extensions allows you to store advanced features that are not available out of the box.



Author Bio:

Ellie Cross is a Content Manager at EssaysUk who has been assisting students for a long time. I have been part of Essays UK since its inception and have seen all the ups and downs it has faced in all those years. I manage a growing team of great writers and content marketers who are contributing to a great extent to help students with their academics.