Mandata, the transport management systems provider, has introduced a new waste handling solution which is set to cut submission times for quarterly returns for waste carriers who have a registered, onsite, waste transfer station by eliminating the need for manual documentation.
Called Waste Go and integrated with Mandata’s TMS GO management system, the innovative solution comes in the form of a mobile app for drivers which allows them to capture customer signatures when collecting waste as well as update weights and quantities of what is being carried and capture the signature of the person receiving the waste. In the office, Waste Go will generate the quarterly Environment Agency waste return report instantly, rather than the hours it may take now.
“This is a massive time-saver for hauliers and waste carriers” says Mandata’s Internal Sales Manager, Ian Thompson. “We have worked with industry to perfect a waste management system – working with our integrated Waste Carrier app – which not least, provides fast and accurate production of electronic waste transfer notes and fully streamlined Environment Agency waste returns.”
Ideal for fleets of up to 30 vehicles, Waste Go allows drivers to receive work instructions on their mobile device and to see the sequence of jobs they must complete. The app is then updated in real-time with work-related changes and additional jobs throughout the day.
This gives the waste carrier full on-line visibility of each job, with real-time electronic Waste Transfer Notes, proof of collection and delivery and all data saved automatically against each job in the system. At the same time, Waste Go eliminates paper, reduces potential errors and speeds-up document access and review times.
Each quarter, waste transfer stations must submit a spreadsheet to the Environment Agency detailing the waste that was received to and removed from their site and for most handlers this requires significant attention to detail and lengthy administration time.
Waste materials are generally categorised into five types – liquid waste, solid rubbish, organic waste, recyclable rubbish and hazardous waste – and it is a legal requirement for all waste that is produced by a business and sent for recycling or disposal, to be classified using an EWC (European Waste Catalogue) code.
The code, also referred to as LoW (List of Waste) or Waste Classification Code, has been transposed into the UK List of Wastes Regulations and comprises approximately 650 different codes, divided into 20 chapters – each of which contains several sub-categories.
To simplify all of this, Waste Go contains a comprehensive list of EWC codes and waste descriptions, which include the option to load records with the full set of codes from the Environment agency, thereby giving the flexibility which comes with a wide range of classification options.
Furthermore, Waste Go enables this report to be generated in PDF or Excel format as jobs are created, making it possible to send the data directly into the Environment Agency.
Also, users can select container types on the ‘goods’ or ‘extra charges’ screen, while EWC codes are displayed on all goods lines. SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) codes are also featured on the signature screen for quick and easy reference. It is also possible to set up the legally required ‘proof declaration text’ next to the electronic customer signature box.
“The ability to ‘go paperless’ is a huge boon for the industry” adds Ian. “This app makes it simple for drivers to progress jobs through to completion, during which time they can enter or amend details about goods, view pricing information, enter any unscheduled changes in delivery location and generally gain closer control of shipments and ongoing work.”
Mandata is conducting a full, on-line demonstration of the system on February 25th at 10.00am. To take part, visit or contact Mandata on 0191 250 2220 or email [email protected].