What to Know About Same-Day Payday Loans (Lån På Dagen) in Norway


Finances can be tricky, and sometimes you end up having to solve a major financial hurdle with very little time to spare. While loans are a great way to get out of a sticky situation, you do not always have the time and money to sit around and wait for the slow approval process – in some cases, you have less than 24 hours to fix the problem.

Payday loans and same-day loans as a whole, are expressly meant for this situation. If you need emergency cash to get back on your feet and do not have more than a couple of days to spare, then you might find yourself turning to these short-term loans as a solution. If you are careful with the loan arrangement you agree to, this can be a great way to avoid even worse consequences.

Even so, that does not make lån på dagen any less intimidating for people living in Norway, and the best way to get over that intimidation is to know more about how they work. So, before you dive into using lån på dagen för att snabbt låna pengar, what do you actually need to know about these loans?

What is a Same-Day Loan/Loan On The Day?

Payday loans, or same-day loans, are exactly what they sound like short-term loans that are meant to give you cash right away. You borrow a set amount, and then you repay that amount at the end of the loan period, usually by your next payday or a similarly short period of time.

The entire point behind same-day loans is to provide money as quickly as possible, ideally within 24 hours, if nothing else delays the payments. This is meant to provide near-instant support to people who are desperate for some money to deal with an outstanding problem, whether that is an unexpected bill or a big expensive purchase that they did not properly budget for.

If you urgently need money for any specific reason, then these loans are a good option to turn to if all else fails. They sidestep the slow processes of getting regular loans, instead dumping the money directly into your account in exchange for heightened interest rates or other additional stipulations.

While these loans obviously have additional downsides compared to regular ones – mostly the aforementioned higher interest rates – they serve a useful purpose that other loans generally can’t. This emergency money is invaluable in situations where you just can’t afford to wait for longer than 24 hours.

How Same-Day Loans Are Different From Other Loans?

The key difference between a same-day loan and a traditional loan is how quickly you get the money. The process is shorter, which is the entire point of the loan, to begin with – you get the money as soon as possible with minimal delays.

This also means you lose out on some advantages of the slow processing times behind regular loans, such as in-depth credit dives. Instead, you are simply handed the money with interest rates that match the risk of giving out the loan, meaning that most customers will get the same interest rates no matter their credit history.

However, this fast processing time is also generally faster than any other loan option, often arriving within the same 24-hour period as you requested. This can make it a more consistent emergency option than trying to sell off possessions to raise money within the same period of time, and it can also be used to pay off urgent bills to stop them from going any further into late fees.

Norwegian Lån På Dagen works in basically the same way as most same-day loans do in other countries, aside from any specific Norwegian laws that apply to loans as a whole. This means that if you are familiar with how same-day loans work in other countries, then you already generally know how they work in Norway.

The Advantages of Same-Day Loans

By now, you probably get the point of same-day loans, but understanding their advantages can be just as important. Aside from the obvious, what makes them so worthwhile compared to finding other options?

Easy Access

The speed of these loans also means that they are relatively easy to access. Unlike regular loans, where negotiation can sometimes go on for weeks and involve heavy background checks, same-day loans are far less precise and are instead basically a one-size-fits-all option.

Almost anybody who needs a same-day or payday loan can get one with minimal hassle, assuming that they would be legally eligible to take out any loan at all. This makes it an incredibly fast and easy solution to an otherwise very serious problem, especially if you need the money quickly.

Instant Help

As mentioned before, same-day loans are an especially helpful option when you are in an emergency situation and need some help. This is their main use, after all – getting you some fast money to help you solve a problem as quickly as possible.

This does not only apply to people who need an emergency loan for themselves, either. Medical emergencies for family members or sudden expenses like car trouble can be handled just as easily and quickly. These loans provide the help you need on-demand without you having to go through the usual loan application and waiting process.


These loans are very upfront about how they work and what is expected of you. The higher interest rates are usually made very clear and explained ahead of time, and that gives you the chance to prepare around them instead of feeling anxious that there might be hidden fees or terms and conditions buried somewhere.

While they obviously do not suit every situation, these loans are also a lot easier than trying to sell things off for money or using other more complex methods to get the cash you need.

Delayed Expenses

Perhaps the biggest advantage of a same-day loan is its overall impact on your expenses. If you have a major bill to pay within three days, a loan like this would let you immediately pay it off, spreading the cost out further (and with interest) but giving you more time to raise the money.

If you have a consistently high (or at least a stable) income, repaying these loans is generally not much of a problem, and this can be much more preferable than doing nothing and bankrupting yourself from a single big expense.

Disadvantages of Same-Day Loans

While a same-day loan has its advantages, it is important not to ignore the disadvantages as well. While they are still better than not having any emergency money, they are not necessarily ideal, and it is important to consider those downsides before taking out a loan.


As mentioned previously, the interest rate on same-day loans is almost always much higher than normal because the risk is generally higher for the lender. Of course, this varies based on the loans – a good lender can still provide reasonable interest, and a bad lender will charge as much as possible.

Even so, the interest can still add up, so you need to be smart about how you handle your loans. Still, in an emergency, having the money and dealing with interest is far better than not having the money at all and running into even worse consequences.

Predatory Lenders

Some lenders – but not all of them – use same-day loans as a way to engage in very questionable business practices. Thankfully, the industry is now heavily regulated, but it can still be important to research each lender to make sure that you are not getting into something risky.

Even if you need the money urgently, spend at least an hour looking at reviews or social media posts about different loan providers before you commit to one. Predatory lenders tend to have very poor reviews and complaints about them, and many of them have been shut down or are actively being sued for their activities.

Is That All?

While they can be an intimidating concept, these loans are still the same as many other loans at their core – just shorter-term and far more accessible, with the downside of also being more costly if you are not careful. They are an emergency tool for those who desperately need them and can be incredibly useful when you need them the most.

If you are ever in a situation where you are thinking about taking a same-day loan, just remember to weigh up the pros and cons and be sure that you can pay it off. The last thing you want is to take out a loan and end up unable to pay it off, so plan ahead as much as you can.

Many Norwegian lenders provide some form of same-day or payday loan, with some businesses specializing in providing these. Of course, you want to make sure that you research each lender before you choose one, especially if you are on a very strict deadline for getting your money.

If you ever have a situation where you need a loan quickly and can’t afford to wait any longer, consider checking out some different companies and their loans to see if any of them might be able to provide the solution you are looking for. Sometimes, you just need to låne penger raskt with a suitable selection of lån på dagen.